Sunday's Grace

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Learning Self Care Through Plant Care

I never expected that I could learn so much from a plant about life. However, each day as I learn to take care of them, I understand something new about what it means to take care of myself too. 

For example, I’ve learned that:

  • When one container has been outgrown, I should re-pot into a new one.

  • Dead leaves need to be pruned.

  • There’s charm and practicality about a mundane terracotta pot.

  • Soil should be nutrient dense enough for life to take root and grow.

  • A proper light source is needed to bloom.

  • Consistent watering is vital to development.

I have learned to see myself mirrored in the life of these vining green organisms because when I think about it, my life is no different. 

In every season I am learning how to grow me; to accept the me that is still in seed form planted in the dirt, and it takes courage to keep watering, but I’ve learned from my houseplants that growth always happens in due time with a little patience and care.

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