Sunday's Grace

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My Full Quiet Time Routine

A quiet time is the space where heaven and earth overlap.

In the stillness, we are free to release the anxieties of this world and to take hold of the perfect peace of God.

So, today I’ll be sharing my personal quiet time routine with you!

My 6 Step Process

  1. First, I usually begin by choosing a gentle instrumental worship song to play in the background. I like doing this because it helps me to settle my mind and enter into a posture of worship.

  2. Then, I’ll hop into prayer journaling. Admittedly, I’m not always sure how to pray when I come before the Lord. So, the structure of a prayer journal really helps me to get everything out that may have been hidden in my heart. I create sections for praise, confessions, sharing my heart, petitions, and prayers for others. Then I write in each category accordingly. I adapted this method from Coffee and Bible Time, which is one of my favorite resources for bible study.

  3. Next, I’ll move into praise and worship. During this time, I’ll listen to a few songs. Then, I try to sit in silence for a few minutes without thinking too much. My aim is to get quiet and listen.

  4. After that, I’ll enter into reading. Lately, I’ve been meditating on Matthew 6: 25-34, which talks about worry. As someone who tends to struggle with anxiety, this passage is one that I'm always returning to. So I read through it a couple of times for context, and then I read through it again using different translations to understand it more fully. While reading I also like to underline the parts that stand out to me. Then, as I continue to read, I’ll start to receive different revelations. So, I write them down in my journal.

  5. When I am done reading, sometimes I’ll follow up with a video related to the passage that I just read. Some of my favorites are from the Bible Project, which is a really amazing bible studying resource on Youtube. Doing this helps me to understand what I read further.

  6. Lastly, I end by going outside for a nice walk. I love putting on one of my favorite faith-based podcasts or music playlists. Then I journey into the great outdoors. As I take in all of God’s creation, I am reminded that he is in it all!

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